Monday, August 9, 2010

Updates and Adventures

I am back from Rehoboth!  I was hosted there last weekend by some lovely friends and adorable children, and it was a great pre-school relaxation mission.  I was quickly thrown back into the madness of the work week, and so now I am finally looking back and recapping.  A quick shout out: my friend's daughters made me this... killer!

I never take you to the depths of the basement; it's not a stop regularly visited on our house tour.  However, I must show you that there are some very vital things happening... We are growing our electricity service!  Hooray!  It's pretty creepy down there, so I won't dawdle, but I think the big bad box is pretty impressive compared to what we had before...



POWER!  Back to the fun stuff... Tim made this, from an Idea I had from some other bloggy blog that I don't recall.  We collected the shoe forms and Tim stained the plank and voila:

We have finally begun hanging some artwork, including some of Tim's incredible paintings, like this...

And this...

And we had some awesome flea market scores.  There are now officially animals everywhere.  Quail in the kitchen? Yup!


We've actually decided that we have to get rid of some things or else stop bringing new things in... there may be a yard sale in our future, or maybe we will be selling some things at the flea instead of bringing them home.

But this lamp was a thrifty score for $5... how do you say no to that?  And, because I mentioned adventure, I don't want to leave you hanging...

This guy, pictured here wedged between the two panes of glass in the upstairs window, was cruising around the house when we got home from our friend's birthday party, and Tim gave him a good chase until he accidentally broke his bat catching net and we retreated... we gathered all of the animals (that are meant to live here) and spent the night in the movie room.  Fortunately the house has a million doors, which makes it easy to close off sections at a time.

The next morning, when we slowly emerged from our hidey place we found this guy between the windows.  We closed the main window and tilted the screen so the batman had no choice but to make his way outside, which he finally did the next night.  Never a dull moment.

Today, Tim and his friend kicked some butt on the hedges at the end of our property... they were in serious disrepair.  AND... while we had the help of said friend's pickup truck, this GIANT blackboard came home.  We had planned to put it in our guest room, so guests could write on it when visiting, but it's too big even for our high ceilings.  So, back to the drawing board (Oooooh, I couldn't resist...) 

I think it might end up in our dining room, some kinda way... or maybe the living room.  I still hope people will visit and draw on it!